We had a little birthday party for Haylee this week. We were talking about what she wanted to do for her party, and she asked me if she had to have birthday cake, cuz she doesn't really like it. I told her it was not a law that she had to have cake. So she wanted to have a brownie sundae party. So the girls got to create their own sundae. It was a lot of fun. So my little baby turned 9!!! Where does the time go? REALLY?!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Tag you're it!!
Tagged by Jennifer
Where were you born? Mesa, Az
Middle name: Sue
How old will be this year? 31
Nickname: Annie
Are you taller than your mother or father? Shorter than both, I wish I was as tall as my mom
Do you cry often during movies? Nope
What is your biggest pet peeve? Laundry
Favotite color? Purple
Favorite foods: If it's food I love it! I am a food Junkie!!
Favorite restaurants: Joes Crab shack, Emerils in Vegas, Sonic
Favorite beverage: COKE
Favorite cold cereal: don't really have one
Favorite smells: Fresh laundry, baking bread or cookies, brownies, again with the food thing, it just smells yummy! I should weigh about a thousand pounds or so.
Favorite time of day: Kids bed time!!
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Biolage
Favorite make-up products? Clinique, or Almay
How many pillows do you sleep with? just one
Do you play an instrument? I did in middle school, the clairanet
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Holy crap, OK I did, a long time ago
Did you do any sports in High School? Are you KIDDING me, that would be a NO!
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? I am Legand, it was good but disturbing!
What is your favorite article of clothing? Pajamma pants and comfy shirt!
What is your dream vacation? Mediteranian tour, maybe the cruise, but for like 2 months with my whole family.
What was your first impression of your spouse? Who is this guy sitting on my balcony?
If you were an animal what would you be? My dog Molly, she has a sweet life.
What is your favorite "me- time" activity? I love to read, garden, be outside, visit with friends and family.
Favorite TV shows: Dora, Diego, elmo, Hannah Montana, Drake and Josh.......oh wait thats the kids' shows, no time to watch tv, but I do like Desperate Hosewives when I catch it.
What is your dream car? A sporty little Mustang
What is one of your weaknesses? Who says I have a weakness??? KIDDING, I can't say no when I should
What do you fix for dinner when there's nothing to fix? Cheese crisps, cereal, mac & cheese
If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be? Civil war peroid
What is the emotion you feel the most? Love for my sweet children
Do you consider yourself outgoing? I can be.
What is something you are constantly working on? Your joking right? MY HOUSE!!!
Any hidden talents? If I do, they are hidden DEEP!
What is a word or phrase you overuse? I don't know
What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? Wow, it wasn't just the hardest thing that happened this past year, it was the hardest thing that happened in my whole life. It was when our house flooded. It wasn't just the house, possesions are not important to me, it was trying to explain it to the kids, and helping them understand. They lost everything.
What is the best thing that happened to you this past year? All the blessings we have received because of the flood.
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year?Getting the house finished, and being able to start on the outside, we want to paint all the sheds and fences and barn, and trim all the trees.
The best piece of advice you learned this past year? I have heard this before but it really hit home and became a reality this past year, "If he brings you to it, he will bring you through it." And another,"If money can fix it, it's not that bad" OK one more, "If nobody died, it's nothing more than a bad day"
Tag : Anyone who wants to join the fun!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008

We are done!! I wish we could say that for the whole house, but this is still a victory! This room was a small room before, and it is where the water came in from. It came in from the walls and through the bottom of the door, and then down through the bottom of the steps, under the steps is James' window well in his room in the basement. Thats how the basement got flooded. So this room was the first thing we had to tackle, since it was the biggest problem, it's why we got flodded in the first place. So the pictures are a before and after of the room. We made it a little bigger by enclosing the screened in porch. We did all the work ourselfs, so it took a little longer. But I think it turned out great! Now its time to finish the basement, we have gotten a lot done down there as well. I am so excited to get it all done! It will be nice to actually move into the house we live in!
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