I am so excited! Last weekend we started to rebuild! We had to completely take down the rooms that flooded upstairs and start over. That's where the water came in from. My brother Jesse came and saved the day! He is a framer, so he knew just what to do and what we needed. It was great, we got a lot done in one day.
Good for you!! I am so sorry that all of that happend!!! That sucks. I hope you get it all finised soon. Good luck. Oh, I want to know if you were successful with the bottle removal? I haven't got the courage to try yet!!!
GO Jesse and JOSH! Glad it is finally getting done! Suck so bad. Sorry wish we were there to help! It will be good when it is all done. Then you need a vacation to Vegas?!! *LOL*! Soon soon right? We will all meet up been 18 months now!:( so crazy.
That is just terrible that it all happened, but glad you're on the road to recovery:) Good old Jesse to save the day! Ha ha!
Yeah!!! I'm sure you'll have it finished in no time!
Sweet! It's good to get things back to normal. Isn't great to have guys around that know how to do stuff? Keep us posted on your progress. Oh and a big THANKYOU!!! for the green chili. That was really generous of you guys.
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