Here is the Bathroom, before the flood, in the middle of the project, and the grand after photo. The toilet is not in yet because of course Odems doesn't have the right parts, and so we need to make a trip to Home Depot. This is one of my favorite things we did to the house. What a huge improvement! Before it was outdated, and it had a shower stall, with three kids...you need a bathtub.
We are pretty much done with the basement, a few finishing touches are left, but that will be all taken care of this weekend. I am so excited!! The kids have their rooms back, and everything is almost back to normal. Now it's time to have a PARTY!!!
It looks so good! I'm sure it's been a long, hard road getting things fixed back up, so I'm glad you're just about finished:)
So I didn't get to ask you at our meeting the other night, but what went way wrong with your painting??
Jaime-I wanted to paint the basement a soft mellow, light color, since it is the basement I didn't want anything too dark to make it feel dungen like. So I went with"Vanilla milkshake" I thought it was going to be a soft creamy butter color....nope.....yellow! It is OK, just not what I was going for, I will re-paint some day, just not too soon. I don't want to see another paint brush for a long time!
Look GREAT!! Hope to see you guys soon! :)
Annie- Love your website and love the home improvements. It's strange that my parents moved away from St. Johns. I only go there now for July 24th and I don't even get to go every year. You have a beautiful family. Love to check on what's going on with the Anderson family. Check out mine: theleroyfam.blogspot.com or email is michelleburdick@cox.net
Annie--I had no idea you guys were doing such a major overhaul! I should have come over after the flooding to see. You have definitely been busy and it looks awesome.
Hey Annie! I joined the bloging community this week. It's not very cute, but it is functional. I have been the biggest skeptic about this bloging stuff. Just one more thing to do right?! But, after giving in, it really is super fun! I love your blog!
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