Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween has come and gone like a blink of an eye! We usually go all out for it, but this year was a little crazy! James had wrestling that day, so we didn't get home until 15 minutes till the trunk or treat started. We just threw on the kids costumes and took off. No make-up or nothing! And I only got ONE picture! Oh well :) The kids had a great time; Sariah our sugar freak, LOVED it! She had sampled each one of her 'nandies' before we got home.


Anonymous said...

Little Haylee clone!! She is so cute Can't believe how fast she is growing!! Looks like fun! Miss ya xxo

Nicole said...

Your one picture is cute:) That's funny 'cause that's what Parker calls candy too! I don't know if you saw, but I'm making my blog private, so if you want an invite, email me at kasideenicole@yahoo.com. Thanks!

Jaime said...

Ahhh so cute!