Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Tree Hunt

We went up to Big Lake last Saturday to get a tree. It was so much fun! We went with my brother Jesse, Sheen and Bella, and with the Bloomfields. It was snowing really hard and it was so beautiful. It was the first snow of the winter. The kids had fun playing in the snow, all but Sariah! She hated it! She couldn't wait to get in it, then she couldn't get out of it fast enough! It was a good time and we all got a pretty tree. ( they look a little Charlie Brownish, but it's all about the experience right?) I love Christmas time, we have the whole house decorated and the outside with all the lights up. We went all out this year. I love it! We really needed some holiday cheer this year. Happy Holidays!!


Anonymous said...

Once again BRR BRR BRR! Soo pretty and looks fun! But I think I would get hypothermia! LOL JK :) Love that pic of the road with trees might make cool desktop on comp?

Kristen said...

I love the last picture--you could frame that one. Our tree is a little Charlie Brownish too--but you've gotta love the smell.

Anonymous said...

Your Christmas tree experience is a lot better than pulling it out of the box with pre-lit lights that don't always work. I'm done with fake trees. Next year it will be a real one.