Friday, December 14, 2007


Josh and James went to scouts the other night. Josh is the 11 yr. old scout master and they were passing things off and the boys got a bit wild and James ended up hitting his head, Josh pretty much told him "your fine, now sit down and pay attention" After a few minutes James told him his head still hurts and felt it and then he saw the blood. Josh saw the blood and told the boys its time to wrap it up and go home. They were home early and as soon as James saw me he started to cry and said he hit his head. Josh told me to have a look and see what I thought. I looked at it and was shocked, it was split wide open....gross! I told him he had better call Travis, he needed this stitched up. Thank heavens for Travis!! We brought him over to his house and he got James all stapled up. Poor kid, he is not the bravest, it was quite a dramatic scene. I guess I can't complain, he is this old and without any broken bones, no major catastrophes and this the first time to be sewed up, not too bad for a boy.


Nicole said...

Oh, poor kid! Travis does come in handy doesn't he?! I hope it all heals up well & soon!

Anonymous said...

Outch! Rough scout night! ") Glad he is ok!

Jaime said...

Oh no!!! We called Travis about a year ago to the rescue too! I've wanted to call him so many other times, but I'm afraid to bug him!

Keirsten said...

Oooww! that looks like it hurt! Poor Travis. We've gone to him more than once with little family emergencies. Maybe I should say, Poor Liz. Any way I hope He's all better now.