Monday, October 13, 2008

Sariah's Hair Salon

Sariah has a new hobby, she thinks she is a hair stylist. Arrrrrg, 2 year olds are so much fun. She has cut about four Barbie's hair now, I keep finding them and the hair all over the floor. So far, I know I just jinxed myself......she hasn't cut her own hair, YET! And she is also a baker. I have found her so many times with cereal, or chocolate milk, or pretty much anything she can pull out of the pantry and take it to her kitchen and "Cook dinner". She fills all her cups and plates with food and sets it all over her room. Life would be so boring with out a toddler! A little cleaner but boring.


Michelle Ashton said...

What a cutie! I sure miss that age.

Julie said...

Haha, that is so funny and cute! Boy the trouble the get into, but sometimes you just have to stand back and laugh!

Kip & Missy Anderson said...

I so do not look forward to that stage with Mayani. Hopefully she will stay too short to climb, haha.

Jaime said...

Oh I sure hope her hair isn't next!!

Honey Girl said...

I love the one on the left!

Hel said...

I love the new look Barbies!